
Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Need for Tweed

Tweed is HUGE this Autumn/Winter '12 and its presence is everywhere from the high-street to the catwalk. Long gone are the days where tweed was only reserved for aristocracy and hunting trips! Countryside tweed is an absolute must-have for the winter months, but the thing about tweed is, it's classic. Like the LBD, purchasing a piece of tweed is an investment - it will last you time and time again. And we can all thank Coco Chanel for creating the iconic Chanel tweed suit in the 1920's, which has become a celebrated fashion piece ever since.Tweed is one trend that has stood the test and time and is sure to remain forever fashionable. 

Here are a few of my of my favorite tweed pieces that I found lurking in my wardrobe...

Boutique beauty - Chanel-inspired black and white tweed dress with gold chain detailing. 

Chanel-inspired tweed dress from a boutique on Canarby Street.
Close-up of material.
Close-up of left pocket detail.

Off the high-street - Tweed coat with fur collar from Topshop.

Friday 16 November 2012

Nostalgic November

 "No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." - Lin Yutang  

Some places I've been and want to go back...
Bergen, Norway
Naples, Florida
New York City, New York
Elounda, Crete
Cambridge, England
Sharm el Sheikh, Eygpt
Prague, Czech Republic
Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago
Toronto, Canada

Thursday 15 November 2012

Brrrrrrrrrrrr... It's cold outside

When the trees start to look like this....

And the ground looks like this...

You might find yourself reaching for these... you need to eat more of this.

Basically, everyone seems to have the sniffles at the moment so here is my smoothie recipe to give you an energy boost and some much needed vitamins. Enjoy!

You don't have to have a smoothie maker or juicer to make your very own, fresh smoothies. Any kind of electric mixer or crusher will get the job done. 

One banana
250ml apple juice
Six strawberries
A handful of blueberries
50ml orange juice
And the special ingredient... 1/2" ginger.

Monday 30 July 2012

A Monday Musing

Girls; how many of you wanted to become ballerina's when you were little...? 
        I considered it; only I couldn't skip til I was six.  Ballerina

Can you remember what you wanted to be?

Sunday 29 July 2012

Life On Demand

To anyone who is of an age where they have left school, completed a college course, or finished a university degree, I can guarantee that you will have been asked what is perhaps the most common question amongst 16-21 year olds; the dreaded question, the repetitive question and the question that you just don’t have the answer to; “So… what’s the plan now you’re entering the big wide world?”

I finished university over a year ago. I studied English Literature as I have always loved to read and write for as long as I can remember. After completing my degree I was entirely aware that I would soon, like many others, be entering what has been commonly called the ‘real’ world. Have I, unbeknownst to myself, been living in some university bubble that exists in a parallel universe? Perhaps.

Anyway, like I said, I was completely aware that this was my last summer holiday and my remaining moments of freedom. So, I went to New York and had the most incredible time any 21 year old could ask for. I cried at the airport when I left and I’m not even ashamed to admit that sometimes when I hear Alicia Keys’ “New York”, my eyes well up.

When I arrived home I felt satisfied with my time off and couldn’t decide whether to save up some money to go travelling, go in to further education or to begin the search for a job. However, in the time I spent trying to figure out how to make my next move, I kept hearing the same gripes from those around me; the fear and worry of the unknown. I too had these concerns.

Now I can’t speak for everyone here but I know that for a lot of people we have had our educational map planned out for us, whether you leave school early or you stay right through until your 20’s. I am a huge believer in obtaining as much education as you possibly can. However, as we spend such a large proportion of our lives learning, by the time we get our hands around that yearbook or put on our graduation cap, we are finally free to choose our own paths. Since leaving university I have frequently heard a mix of fear, worry and excitement from those around me who too shared my position.

How many of you have heard somebody say that they are going travelling after seeing pictures uploaded of an old school friend splashing around on a beach in Australia? Or what about the jobs your friends keep getting and you fear you’ll get left behind? And how about the studious family friend who has decided to do an MA? After not only hearing these stories, but also seeing them play out in front of you via social networking sites, it is no wonder that people have become so fearful.

I believe that we live in a world where we expect life to be on demand. Our generation has grown up in a world full of technological advances where everything happens at an instant; be it at the click of a mouse, the tap of a keyboard or the press of button. It is in my view that because of our physical and emotional dependence on technology that we apply the same mindset to our own lives. If the remote control is a bit slow we get frustrated, when the computer crashes we grunt and when we have no signal we feel deserted. In the same way, when we say goodbye to education we expect the next step to be instantly there, but that’s just not the case. Life doesn’t happen at the press of a button, it’s just that we are part of a ‘we want it now’ culture.

Everyone reading this will be in a different position to the other. Some will have a job, some will be looking and others don’t know what they’re looking for. However, what most of you will have in common is that feeling of uncertainty which lurks in the pit of your stomach when confronted with that unanswerable question.

I will admit that when I want something I want it right away. Is this impatience or determination? Perhaps it is a mixture of the two. However, what I have come to realise and am still in the process of learning, is the importance of having balance. Just because you don’t go travelling this year doesn’t mean you won’t go the next, and even though you have lost your job it doesn’t mean that you won’t find another. If we remember to take a step back from time to time and just let things happen, we might find the unknown a little less scary. The facts are, we don’t know what will happen next, life could change tomorrow or it might stay the same for ten years. So, when a chapter closes and you turn the page to the next installment, you might be confronted with blank pages. But perhaps, sometimes it’s ok to let the pages write themselves. 

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Felicity and Hannah's Race for Life

Hey guys :)

One of my best friends, Felicity, and her lovely sister, Hannah, are running 10k in the Race for Life on 22nd July 2012 in Chelmsford, Essex.

They are hoping to raise £500 and are almost half way there but they would really appreciate a little extra help. It's for a great cause and all the money will go to Cancer Research, a charity that is very close to my heart and Felicity and Hannah's and I'm sure many other people's across the world.

If you would like to make a donation, however big or small, please visit their Just Giving page on

 Any donations are welcome and every little helps.


Friday 1 June 2012

Miss Hertfordshire's SOS Party!!

Miss Hertfordshire Beauty Queen and Miss England finalist, Kirsty Heslewood, is hosting an event at Host, Bishop's Stortford, on FRIDAY 8TH JUNE, in order to raise money for the charity, "Beauty with a Purpose". The charity raises money to help promote and protect the health, education and well being of children worldwide.

Kirsty's planned an exciting night for everyone! There will be live bands, DJ's Kolo and Dyze, live drumming and lot's of other entertainment. All for an amazing £3 on the door!!

Plus, if you really want to make a night of it then you can book a table for you and your friends. For £100 you are provided with your own table, a giant bottle of vodka and a personal waitress so you can avoid bar queues! Between 4 friends that's only £25 a person and works out to 10 drinks each, but tables are getting booked up fast so make sure you get in contact if you want one!

Kirsty previously organised a sponsored run which involved other contestants from the Miss Hertfordshire final and raised an amazing £3000. So please come and support Kirsty and Beauty with a Purpose next Friday, it really is a great cause to get involved with!

The event will start at 5pm and finishes at 2am. You're welcome to pop in for a drink after work and sit in the sun with a Pimms and a burger or come along later in the evening for a drink and dance. The dress code is 'Dress to Impress' and all family and friends are welcome, so spread the word!

To join the event or book a table go to:

If you wish to donate now then please visit:

Vote Kirsty Heslewood for Miss England:

Friday 20 April 2012

Endangered Soup

Jessica Flexton dives into the world of shark finning to explore why the shark population is diminishing to meet the demand for shark fin soup

Sharks have a long-standing reputation as one of the most frightening and feared animals in the world. Media coverage is full of horror stories and often depicts sharks as dangerous and monstrous creatures. Yet in reality, you are more likely to get struck by lightening than be attacked by a shark. And sadly, due to inhumane practices such as shark finning, the shark population is in serious decline and fast becoming an endangered species.

Shark finning is the process of catching the shark and cutting off the fin whilst the fish is still alive. The remains are often thrown back into the ocean where the shark suffers a slow death, is eaten by other fish, or drowns. This practice is completely legal, widespread and largely unmonitored. Due to the increasing demand for the soup the acquisition of a shark fin has become extremely desirable and has made finning a multi-million pound industry. The price of a shark fin starts from £150, making the product the most valuable dried seafood on the market.

As sharks don’t embody the same loveable characteristics as dolphins and whales, they are frequently overlooked. I believe that if the same practice was applied to dolphins, whales, or any other fish, there would be worldwide uproar. Interestingly there are over 375 different species of sharks but only 12 are known to attack humans. While there are between 50-70 shark attacks a year globally, only five-15 are fatal. Yet an estimated 100 million sharks are killed each year for cultural and recreational purposes.

Shark fin soup is particularly popular in China, its surrounding territories and Chinese communities internationally. Hundreds of years ago shark fin soup was an Asian delicacy eaten only by the rich and elite on social occasions, such as weddings and banquets. The soup is comprised of shark fins which are flavoured with chicken stock and herbs and then the fin is bleached to appear more appealing. It is desired for its rarity and prestigious preparation and is said to have mythical qualities. Today the dish is still considered to be a luxury cuisine but is now consumed in vast quantities and is available extensively in restaurants across the world. However, the selling of shark fin soup is now banned in Toronto, California, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, PalauHonduras and the Maldives.

For many Asian people shark fin soup is a dish of great traditional importance. “It is our culture and is really important to the Chinese. The Chinese communities in countries where it has been banned are very angry,” said Kat, who is Chinese and an avid-lover of shark fin soup. “It is delicious and it’s really tasty. If you did not have shark fin soup at your wedding people would criticise your family. Each table has a bowl of shark fin soup and if the whole fin is not in the bowl then it’s considered cheap. Everyone has it,” she added. However, Joe, a Canadian who ate the soup in Hong Kong said, “it has the texture of motor oil and has no taste.”

Many people claim that the delicacy has powerful health benefits: it can improve energy, provide aphrodisiacal qualities, prevent heart disease, and lower cholesterol. However, others have outlined the dangers of consuming shark fin soup due to the high concentrations of mercury in the fins which can be potentially harmful for children, pregnant woman and can cause sterility in men. Also, it has been claimed that shark fin soup can put you at a greater risk of developing degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Since the increase of shark fishing, the number of endangered species has risen to 39, including the Hammerhead, Tiger, and Great White. It is claimed that less than 3,500 Great Whites are left in the world’s oceans. “We’re overfishing them for their fins - some 73 million sharks are killed every year, just for shark fin soup. This is having a catastrophic impact on global shark populations. Its estimated that 1/3 of open ocean sharks are threatened with extinction,” says a spokesperson from WildAid. Although sharks are the top predators in the underworld’s food chain, their extinction would have an extreme knock-on effect across the whole ocean. The eco-system is a strongly structured web and needs sharks to regulate the ocean’s food chain. The law for shark fishing allows any shark to be killed at any age, species, or size. Sharks take seven-20 years to fully mature and only produce one or two pups at a time. If one shark is killed then an entire generation could effectively be killed off.

“The message to fishers and management agencies is - don’t supply the market with shark fins until sustainable management practices and comprehensive traceability systems are in place for shark fins,” says a spokesperson for the World Wildlife Fund. As sharks take such a long time to develop it is simply unsustainable for sharks to reproduce at the same rate that they are being killed. “We suggest that consumers don’t buy or eat shark fins or any other shark product unless that product is certified through an independent, credible certification process. Currently, no shark fin or other shark products meet these requirements,” adds the World Wildlife Fund.

Sharks have been swimming the ocean for 400 million years, long before the arrival of the dinosaurs. If something is not done to change, regulate, or ban shark finning entirely, then the sustainability of sharks will undoubtedly suffer, and these ancient creatures may become extinct. Although shark fin soup is significant within Chinese culture, it is no longer viable for the conservation of the ocean and the impact of overfishing could have disastrous consequences. It must be decided what is of greater importance; culture or sustainability? 

Sunday 18 March 2012

Profile Interview with Mieke Dockley

Jessica Flexton chats to Mieke Dockley about becoming a successful actress and dreams of becoming a Bond girl

“Taking my robe off and having to get naked in front of 50 camera men was the scariest thing,” Mieke Dockley says of her role in the BBC fantasy-drama television series Camelot.

We’re sitting in Mieke’s open-plan, spacious bedroom at her family home in the countryside village of Wimbish, Essex. It’s a beautiful, brisk afternoon and streams of sunlight are penetrating through the wide windows where the family’s horses can be seen roaming free in the lush green garden. Mieke’s thick, blonde locks hang above her waist and her wide, porcelain smile exudes confidence, but despite her glamourous appearance, she openly reveals that she’s had her moments of uncertainty as an actress, including the part she landed in Camelot. “I had an audition and then I didn’t hear from them. The next day I was really upset because I really thought I’d got it,” she says sipping on her mug of hot tea. “ Then they rang me the day after and said I’d be flying to Ireland. I got picked up by a chauffeur-driven car and was so nervous, but I said to myself if I don’t enjoy this and I don’t love it then I’m in the wrong business.”

I notice a large, black and white photograph of Mieke hanging on the wall showcasing her beauty and think how natural she looks sitting in front of me. “I met the cast, including Jamie Campbell Bower (of Harry Potter and Sweeny Todd), and watched them film for a bit. I was up at 5am the next morning and filmed all day. It was the best day of my life,” she says with bright blues eyes sparkling, “I loved every minute of it. When I left I cried. I thought to myself, what if I never experience that again.”

Mieke began her acting career three years ago at the age of 18 when she was accepted by the International School of Screen Acting in London. She had previously been a dancer at Bodyworks in Cambridge. “When I was younger I wanted to do anything associated with acting, dancing, or modelling. I went to dance school and didn’t like all the jazz hands and thought I would try acting. I thought it would be best to focus on one thing and get really good at it and acting was my favourite.” However, Mieke had to make a tough decision when she went for an audition to play the lead in a short film. “I got it. But I couldn’t take three weeks out of school so I left. You get the best experience when you’re working. I’d rather be out there doing it,” she says with conviction.

Her minimalistic, monochrome bedroom is sparse from clutter but is brought alive with flashes of hot pink and is inundated with photographs of friends and family. Despite her beautiful, blonde bombshell exterior and dreams of becoming a Bond girl, Mieke defies any stereotype by her down to earth and homely attitude. “A lot of actors move out into tiny, one bed flats and they’d sell their Gran to get a part, but I wouldn’t do that. My family is more important,” she says warmly.

A little ball of fluff scampers into the room; a Chaupoo (Chihuahua and Poodle cross-breed) named Beau. Mieke lifts Beau up onto her satin sheets and gives the little dog a belly-rub. The conversation shifts to her boyfriend, Adam Smith, who plays professional football and is currently situated at Tottenham Hotspur. “Wherever he goes I go. He’s been moved to Leeds, Torquay, Milton Keynes, and Bournemouth,” she says, pointing to a striking picture of the young couple behind her on a dressing table. “At first I was worried about my career, but it doesn’t hold me back. I don’t live with him all the time, there’s a balance. We’re flexible.”

I find her candidness refreshing; it’s reassuring to meet a stunning, young actress who has her feet firmly on the ground and priorities in order. I ask her who her biggest supporter is and she instantly exclaims, “my Mum,” as her face softens. “I don’t know what I’d do without my Mum. She’s just so supportive. She came all the way to Chesterfield to stay with me while I was in a play. She watched it five times. Also my Dad sent me a text saying that he’d never been so proud of me. They’ve made me the confident person I am today and they make me feel good about myself.”

Mieke’s most recent achievement is scoring a lead part in the British drama film Turnout set in East London. “It was full of paparazzi,” she gushes, “they were taking loads of pictures of me and then I was whisked upstairs to be interviewed. It was really surreal.” The talk of London and flashing lights of paparazzi is stark in contrast to her the family home she is sitting in the country. Mieke’s fortunate to have her hands firmly on both worlds and after declaring that she is a very optimistic person it seems that she will go far in the acting world. “I’m a really positive person. If something bad happens I always say that everything happens for a reason,” she says.

As we near the end of our chat and the afternoon begins to turn into evening, I ask her what advice she would give to other young, aspiring actresses. “Don’t give up, be patient, and remember that it doesn’t happen over night,” she says. For now, Mieke divides her time between auditions and castings, hoping to land a “nice part in a BBC drama or a character part in a film to show what I can do and take the next step up.”

With her stunning good looks, grounded nature, and determination to hit the big screen, it’s clear that nothing will stop this girl from fulfilling her dreams.


Me and my Mum in Florida <3

Friday 9 March 2012



It's said that a woman's favorite fashion fix is to splurge on a new handbag. In my opinion, we love to treat ourselves to a new handbag because no matter what shape, size, or style you have, every time you pick up your handbag it will look the same as the last time you wore it; the same mentality also applying to shoes.

Handbags are a key staple, not just for fashion-goers, but for any women (or man) who needs their belongings in arms reach. Many women would not even dream of leaving the house without their beloved bag.

From girly pink bows to gaudy gold skulls I've put a picture below of a few of my favourite handbags pulled out from my wardrobe.

Handbags are not just an accessory but a necessity. You store your most precious treasures in your handbag, phone, keys, money etc. You could probably learn a lot about a woman just by peaking into her handbag.

It's not often that a fashion piece can unite fashion, function, and flair. With endless designs, patterns, and sizes, the possibility of finding a handbag to suit you is an inevitability.

Thursday 1 March 2012


I'm loving patterned leggings at the moment! Get a leg up by donning a pair of printed leggings for Spring.The trend has been updated from the thick, wooly, Winter leggings to abstract designs and thinner fabrics, which means that the look can be transferred over for Spring style. So you can stay stylish as the months get warmer!  


DAY 10

1. Impossible to name just one... I'm lucky to have multiple people I can trust :)

Wednesday 29 February 2012


DAY 9 

1. Work as a fashion journalist in Toronto and New York!!
2. Travel to as many countries as possible!!

Tuesday 28 February 2012



Shameful to admit but....
1. OMG
2. Like
3. Alright?

Monday 27 February 2012



1. New York for my 21st birthday with my Mama!! We saw Mamma Mia on Broadway and went to the Gay Pride Parade which was amazing!!! Met Liam Gallagher!!! Oasis are my one of my fave bands! Boat cruise to Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and Central Park... We met some really amazing people!
2. Egypt with my boyfriend.... amazing hotel, camels, snorkelling, driving in the desert.
3. Lovebox fest with my friends... such a happy summery day! We got to the front of the crowd on the shoulders of a random at Chase and Status.
4. Holidays to Toronto... most of my family live there and its such a fun city!
5. Portugal with the girls! Sun, sea, swimming... Lot's of drinking, going out, dancing and especially an adventure on the beach where we went through caves and found small pools of the ocean.

Sunday 26 February 2012



1. My phone... Sleep and eat with it
2. Tea... need it to function/comfort 
3. Hand sanitiser... bit of a germ freak
4. Family/Friends/Dogs! I would be lost without them and need to be around people lot's!
5. GHD's... Without them I would have a serious fro'

Saturday 25 February 2012


DAY 5 

Sooooo hard to only name 6 so I chose 10!!!

1. Animal - Neon Trees
2. Feeling Good - Muse
3. Whose Loving You - Michael Jackson
4. Wonderwall - Oasis
5. Naive - The Kooks
6. Walking on a Dream - Empire of the Sun
7. Dancing Queen - Abba
8. Blind Faith - Chase and Status
9. Lonely Boy - The Black Keys
10. Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper

Friday 24 February 2012


My take on a different side to experiencing cancer. This is for anyone who is going through the illness themselves or knows someone who is. I’ll be looking at what they don’t tell you…

The big C is the number one fear of the British public. Cancer is more feared than knife crimes, losing your job, and getting into debt. Yet with statistics which tell us that every two minutes someone in the UK will get diagnosed with cancer, and one in 3 of us will develop cancer at some point in our lives, it is no wonder that people are so frightened by the illness. Anyone who has experienced cancer to any degree will be fully aware that it is undoubtedly extremely upsetting for everyone involved.

However, the aim for this article is not to depress or scare anyone with the facts and figures that we hear all the time. I actually endeavour to do the opposite. What isn’t made as publicly known is that there are positive aspects that can come out of having cancer, or knowing someone who is going through it. So, if cancer is inevitably unavoidable I thought it would be beneficial to take a minute to forget about the negative aspects of cancer and focus on the positive, because there are some.

The key to dealing with cancer is communication. Simply by having a chat with friends, family, or even someone you meet throughout your day, unlocks the ability to rationalize, open up, and express your feelings. It is easy to assume that the people who are closest to you are mind-readers, but this isn’t the case. A little bit of patience and understanding is crucial to getting through the illness whether you are the sufferer or the supporter. You become aware of how much those around you really do care and will drop everything to be there for you. Also, it is important to realise that talking about cancer doesn’t always have to be depressing. It’s still ok to have a laugh and a joke. If you don’t have a giggle then you won’t be doing yourself any favours. Of course the positive aspect of having to communicate is that you become closer to those around you which naturally leads to stronger ties with both family and friends.

Whether you have cancer yourself or know someone who does, healthy eating and exercising are of great importance as you become very aware of what you are putting into your body. If you’re cooking nutritious foods for the person with cancer then the chances are that you will eat better yourself. Having a balanced diet makes a huge difference on your well-being and positive thinking. Both patient and supporter will most likely maintain a beneficial diet once the illness subsides, which can only lead to advantageous health benefits.

If you’re caring for someone with cancer you will soon find yourself attempting to do new tasks which are just a little bit alien to you. This could be cleaning, cooking, washing, and generally being more organised. It is not until you physically take on someone else’s jobs or chores that you can begin to truly appreciate how much that person does for you. Support from friends and family chipping in together allows the household to run more smoothly. Plus if you’re the one who does the food shopping you get to sneak in all the yummy foods!

Any experience of cancer whether you have it, know someone who has it, or just hear it mentioned on the news, serves as a reminder to appreciate the positive aspects of your life. Suddenly, the person who pulled out in front of your car or the thing you’re mad at your friend for becomes unimportant. Coping with cancer helps to put things in perspective and teaches you to toughen up. Something that was once the end of the world no longer is and you become more able to handle whatever’s thrown your way. It can only be beneficial to realise just how lucky you are and to not waste time being angry over things that really aren’t that important.   

When cancer hurls itself into your life you are inundated with endless amounts of information and in turn, become a bit of an expert on the subject. You’re not just forced to learn about health and hospitals, but also about dealing with a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings. Although there are many highs and lows, sometimes in the same day, you become very tuned in and aware of your emotions. Coping with a constant stream of sensations not only shows you that you can deal with it but also allows you to help others. Once the illness subsides you are forever able to help, educate, and comfort those who also find themselves having to declare war on the battle against cancer.

Of course cancer is a fearful, saddening, and uncertain part of life to have to experience, but hopefully I’ve shown that cancer does have a positive side and can help you in life rather than destroy it.



1. Confined spaces... I need air!
2. Ghosts!!! Please just be as friendly as Casper!
3. Monkeys... I do think their cute but... basically had a few bad experiences involving a drive-thru zoo, a trip to Gibraltar, and watching The Rise of the Planet of the Apes
4. The dark! Helloooo... is anyone there!?
5. Spiders... such an obvious fear but something with that amount of legs and speed is just a bit scary
6. Thing in mass... aka loads of bugs together erghhhhh
7. Fantastic Mr Fox and the Foxy Bingo fox from Jeremy Kyle... no idea why.. I like foxes but just not those two... they creep me out! 

Thursday 23 February 2012



1. People who stop talking in the middle of a sentence... I can't handle the suspense! What are you about to say!?? AHHH 
2. When people are walking and stop in front of you for no reason.. Get out of my way before I kick you!
3. Unnecessarily slow drivers... annoying AND dangerous!
4. When computers just decide to not work
5. Being woken up by the hoover... SO ANNOYING
6. Wet towels left on floors... just hang it up! 
7. Boys who fiddle with themselves in public! Yes we all know you have one and it's not going to go anywhere so just leave it alone!
8. SNOW after one day... ruins everything!

Wednesday 22 February 2012



1. Go on Facebook/Twitter/Blogger... slight addictions to all
2. Eat a banana even though I don't really like them... 
3. Drink tea... another addiction
4. Listen to music
5. Cleanse, tone, moisturise!
6. Brush my teeth... something everyone should do everyday more than once!
7. Cuddle my dogs and anyone else I can find
8. Read... just about anything 
9. Totes abrev 

Tuesday 21 February 2012



1. I am obsessed with leopard print
2. My hair is naturally curly
3. I am half Canadian
4. I am scared of monkeys (long story)
5. I can only sleep in a tidy bedroom
6. I love rock music
7. I have TONS of books on my bookshelf and I'm scared it will break 
8. Half my wardrobe is black
9. I love vintage jewelry
10. I love to abbrev 

Friday 10 February 2012

Valentine’s Day – The Marmite Holiday

 With Valentines Day fast approaching I play Cupid and consider the different attitudes towards all things romance…

Another year has flown by and we are once again suffocated with cringey cards, tacky teddies, and red roses. After hearing various opinions throughout the week, it has become clear that the attitudes towards Valentine’s Day are split down the middle. So, what has made Valentine’s Day the marmite holiday of the year?

Valentine’s Day is the most popular day for marriage proposals and with billions spent on the holiday around the world it has certainly become a day that is unavoidable. It seems that if you’re loved up then February 14th is an exciting day of getting spoilt and a chance for a bit of romanticism. For those firmly situated in Singleville the sight of a smushy Valentine’s Day card will probably make you nauseas and kindly remind you of your current relationship status. Yet if you’re dating or ‘seeing’ someone then the day can be a bit ambiguous. It could be flirting over flowers or a one way ticket to Awkward Avenue.

However, it’s said that chivalry is dead. Long gone are the days of courtly love, where romanticism and courteousness were morals maintained by the men of the Dark Ages. Many women today feel that a traditional, romantic man is near impossible to find. Maybe we expect too much due to a lifetime of Rom-Coms, love stories, or the Cinderella fairytales we are told when we are little girls.

Some people hate Valentine’s Day so much that they have declared themselves as ‘Anti-Valentinists’. For them, the idea of being forced to express love on a specific day renders it fake. The stance towards Valentine’s Day is so varied that 14th February now shares its 24 hours with another day; Singles Awareness Day, commonly known as SAD. Many people believe that Valentine's Day is just a made up holiday by greeting card companies to make a quick profit. With an average spend of over £2 on cards and £12million buyers it certainly does just that.

But so what? One day out of the year which is dedicated to being in love should be celebrated. We all lead busy lives so why not use it as an excuse to go out for dinner, see a show, or just have a few drinks? Take romance off it’s life support machine and do something to revive it. Whether your Facebook status is set to single or not just do something fun. Even if you are single go out with your friends and celebrate that. Whatever your stance on Valentine’s Day it’s going to happen, and it will be back next year too.

So here are a few coping tips whether you’ve been hit with Cupid’s arrow or not:

RED LIGHT – If you’re in a relationship then spend the night celebrating it by taking your loved one out for dinner, send a card, and buy some flowers. If you think it’s all a money making scam then stay in and make a night of it without wasting money. It can only be positive to do something thoughtful for your partner. The closer you are to someone, the greater the gesture should be. For some this may mean gifts, but for others simple thoughtfulness can work wonders. Everyone deserves to feel special once in a while, especially the one you love.

IT’S COMPLICATED!? – If you’re in the uncertain phase of ‘seeing’ someone and it isn’t that serious then it could easily get awkward. Chances are you’re not that close yet, so don’t go overboard for fear of scaring them off, but at the same time don’t ignore it. Take a chilled approach to the day and causally suggest a date. If you’ve already gone on a few dates together then it’s only another day in the year whether it’s 14th of Feb or not. Just be confident, it could be the start of something special.

SINGLE SOUL – If you’re single, whether you’re happy about it or not, use it as an excuse to have some fun. Plan a night with your mates, stay in and have a few drinks. It doesn’t have to be a day of dread so snack on some chocolate and enjoy being free. Anyway you never know, Cupid could be just around the corner. 

Friday 3 February 2012



Pastels are in full bloom for Spring 2012. Designers such as Yves Saint Laurent, Ralph Lauren, Chloe, Victoria Beckham, and Phillip Plim, just to name a few, have shown their passion for pastels at New York Fashion Week S/S12. Sugary hues, candy colours, and sweet palettes are fresh for Spring and have made a big impact on the catwalks. Pretty pastels have a subtle vibe but this Spring it seems that the calm hues have been applied to sharp tailoring to create edgy elegance, but maintain its feminine romance. 

So which pastel trend will you have your spring fling with?

Peplum's are perfect to accentuate your waist and provide powerful tailoring to office wear, separates, and evening dresses. If you're wondering what Peplum actually is, I can tell you it is not the latest superfood. It's simply a short layer, frill, or ruffle which is attached at the bottom of a jacket, blouse, skirt or dress. It last fashion debute was in the 80's. Peplum's add drama and flair to your wardrobe and can be flaunted on almost every occasion. Pastels and peplum's in cool creams and pretty pinks break up your outfit and give it dimensions, but still retain a hint of romance. 

Me in a Peplum Dress

Spring Clean
Give your wardrobe a re-birth and go minimalistic. It is not just loud, block colours which make a statement, pastels can do this too. The pastel palette for S/S12 has been mixed with bold brights. So when you choose a sugary hue to suit you, you won't be looking pastey. Once you have find your perfect pastel spring into a clear-cut, tapered dress and keep in simple with one sweet shade.  

Part of a Painting

Pastel Nails

Candy Gloss
Go girly and dust yourself with romantic roses, spearmint greens, soft vanilla, and lovely lemons. Pastels can be applied to almost any piece from rosy blouses, to creamy jackets, and even sorbet shoes. Have a play with pastels and pick how you would like to parade the trend. Give in to your craving for candy and get a sugar high for pastels this spring. 

Kurt Geiger Shoes

Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Dream of the Pit-Stop Card Shop

Every month it's a birthday, or an anniversary, or soon enough Valentine's Day. So we all have to go out and buy a card. Now I am an incredibly indecisive person. Even when it come to making teeny decisions, such as buying a greetings card. This may make me sound a bit ridiculous, but I can pretty much guarantee that anyone reading this has, at some point, spent a lengthy amount of time wandering around a card shop in the attempt of finding the perfect one. I always think to myself, "this card looks alright" and then I look inside and find a disgustingly, wet poem that makes me want to vom. Or I open a seemingly normal card to find it a) plays an annoying song or b) farts. I do love a funny card though, but even then I get so consumed by them I forgot the reason I'm in the shop in the first place. There is simply too much choice. 

My dream is for a drive through card shop where you are provided with three options. I might still struggle to choose, but it would be a lot easier. Maybe I'd phone a friend or ask the sales assistant to do 50/50. Either way it would be simpler. 

So it was my Dad's birthday yesterday and this is what he ended up opening.

It did make him laugh though :)

Monday 30 January 2012

New Holocaust Plaque laid in time for Memorial Day

Local community in Harlow shows that they will not be governed by thieves as new Holocaust plaque is laid to replace the one that was stolen in 2011

Metal theft was once a crime that would have been almost unheard of ten years ago. Yet with rising debt, plunging economic recession and the increasing rate of heartless opportunists, the crimes for all things that shine is rapidly increasing. In 2007 the total number of metal thefts in the UK was 15,002. Since then that figure has doubled to roughly 30,000. It seems that all that glitters is gold for these thieves, which range from stealing manhole covers, statues, and even parts of roofs. The stolen metals are melted down to make fast cash and provide a cheap buy for unconcerned scrap metal businesses. Many scrap metal company’s trade honestly and do not participate in accepting stolen goods. However, greater measures must be taken to prevent the corrupt few from operating. If stricter laws, harsher punishments, and hefty fines were put in place then the number of crimes would decline. Although the number of thefts has drastically risen over the last 5 years, it is a crime that can seem difficult to feel emotionally strongly about. We are at an age where we have become desensitised by various forms of media that it is easy to not give appropriate attention to lesser crimes. Often when watching the news, listening to the radio, or reading the paper, I feel bombarded by horror stories, negativity, and generally bad news. So when told a piece of metal has been stolen to make a quick buck the majority of the population would hardly bat an eyelid. However, this should not be the case. In almost every city, town and local community metals are used make statues, sculptures, and plaques. These effigies are used to commemorate history and create places of remembrance. I believe that there should be greater public awareness on the emotional attachment and sentimental meanings that these articles have to their local communities. If stricter punishments and more education were enforced then more effort would be made to prevent the number of such crimes from rising further.

On December 17th  2011 a bronze plaque was stolen from the Holocaust Memorial gardens in Harlow, Essex. The plaque was laid at a ceremony in January 2001 and honoured victims of Nazi persecution. About 60 people of all faiths gathered together for the original service. The inscription read, ‘This garden is dedicated to the victims of the Nazi regime in Germany (1933-1945) and all peoples of the world who have been victims of atrocities or genocide’. The bronze slab which had remained in the garden for over ten years was a mark of respect to the Jewish community in Harlow. Locals walk in the gardens to admire the plaque and remember those who suffered under Nazi rule. So when it was savagely prised out of the ground by emotionless thugs you can imagine the upset of the local community. Council Chairman, Mike Garnett said, ‘People have no idea what the plaque means to people’. The scrap value of the slab was about £50. This is a small profit compared to the great lack of conscience and understanding for what the plaque stands for.

Harlow Council has displayed their understanding of the local community’s sentiment for the memorial plaque. On January 27th 2012 the slab was replaced by the council and another ceremony was held. MP’s, police, and members of the local community assembled in the gardens to witness the unveiling of the new plaque. The restoration costs were £800, which is a vast expenditure when compared to the mere £50 that the thief would have made. Harlow MP Robert Halfron said, ‘I would send the thieves to Auschwitz to educate them’. He went on to say that if the theft were to happen again, ‘the thieves will know that we will just put another plaque back’. He made it clear that he and the local community will not give in to thieves. He also stressed the importance of ‘looking after small groups’, such as the Jewish community. In an attempt to prevent further thefts the new plaque is made from granite, which has a lower market value than the previous bronze slab. However, it is still equally as beautiful. The top of the slab has been engraved with the word ‘Remember’ in Hebrew, which shows that the local community won’t forget what the plaque symbolises. At the memorial the strength of the community and the close relationship between the council, police, and residents of Harlow was made clear. Psalms were sung, poems were recited, and prayers were read in Hebrew, which turned a saddening crime into a positive day and has reinforced the power of the local community. 

Return to Blogging

So I've neglected the blogging for a while, but I'm coming back and aim to blog almost everyday! I've just started an NCTJ Magazine Journalism course and I've been told that blogging will be very helpful! Feel free to read my random ramblings. It will be an eclectic mix of my main interest (fashion), news stories, features, and general thoughts and musing. Plus a few pictures to fill up some space!


Jess xxx